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Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works

Axiom (1) One:  There is no such thing as ‘Time.’  There exists only the ‘One Moment’ - ‘Now’ - ‘Eternal’ / ‘Infinite’ in duration.


There exists only ‘Perceptions of Time.’  Therefore ’Time’ is accepted, as a ‘useful postulate.’ (2)  


Axiom Two:  There exists, by way of abstraction, a ‘Thing’ called a ‘TimeLine.’


Axiom Three:  In relation to all ‘TimeLines’ - there exists, what are known as ‘Alternative TimeLines.’


Axiom Four:  In relation to every ‘TimeLine’ - there exists on another ‘TimeLine,’ a ‘negation’ of each ‘EVENT,’ ‘HAPPENING’, ‘OCCURRENCE’ and ‘SITUATION’ of that ‘TimeLine.’ 


With respect to that negative ‘EVENT,’ ‘HAPPENING’, ‘OCCURRENCE’ and ‘SITUATION,’ the relevant ‘TimeLine’ is called the ‘negative’ ‘EVENT,’ ‘HAPPENING’, ‘OCCURRENCE’ and ‘SITUATION’ - ‘TimeLine.’






The ‘useful postulate’ ‘Time’ - is divided into 4 ‘differentiated’ categories.  These are ‘abstract nuances’ - and can be compared, in terms of grammar as a “synonym.”  These ‘differentiated’ ‘grades’ / ‘aspects’ of ‘Terms’ and ‘Elements’ are found in all aspects of Consciousness / Existence.  It is the basis of all Change / Evolution.  It finds expression in the discipline of ‘alchemy’ and in The Science Of Abstract Consciousness is represented by the  ‘alchemic syllogism’ (as an instance) but the concept of ‘abstract alchemic change’ - of a ‘Term’ / ‘Element’ is central to The Science of Abstract Consciousness and Consciousness itself.




A ‘useful postulate’ is a ‘postulate’ - being something that is accepted as true.  The addition of the term ‘useful’ is to emphasise the fact that it may contradict an axiom, but it is useful to accept it, for whatever reason.   A common example, is the acceptance of something which “goes against an axiom” - but as a result of the perceived “collective consciousness” - to the contrary, it is useful to ‘accept’ as a postulate - in order to obtain, ‘Meaningful Meaning.’  Although this appears paradoxical - it is logical - since The Science Of Abstract Consciousness, is to determine the “workings of Consciousness.” Consciousness therefore has to have the ability to “create logical systems” and at the same time, be able to undermine them.  This activity is the essence of Consciousness - which is why all “sentient entities” struggle with the concept of ‘Truth’ (SOTI Collected Works.)


In the case of the ‘useful postulate’ and the example given above, we find that ’usage’ - undermines the ‘axiom’ - that ‘Time’ does not exist.  To leave the matter there, at this point in time (circa 2022) - given the state of ‘Human Individual Consciousness’ - will not assist in the purpose of attaining ‘Meaningful Meaning’ - and so the axiom is ‘undermined’ by the postulate.  In a sentence - the useful ‘postulate’ - is an acceptance, that what is “self evident” (a defining aspect of the ‘axiom’) - may be incorrect, thus it is possible for the one to oppose the other, within one system.  




(1) ‘Axiom’

A declared law or ‘Universal Principle.’  A well established definition of ‘axiom’ is that it is “self evident.”  The ‘axiom’ in The Science Of Abstract Consciousness may be self evident - but it is not necessary that it be self evident. 


The parts of an ‘axiom’ are -


(1) ‘Declaration’ of;


(2) ‘Universal in Application.’


(3) A ‘Law’ or ‘Principle.’



(2) ‘Postulate’


A ‘postulate’ is distinguishable from an ‘axiom’ - in that, a ‘postulate’ is a ‘declared’ ‘Law,’ Principle’ or ‘Fact.’  A ‘postulate’ is not necessarily ‘universal’ in application.  


Therefore the parts of a ‘Postulate’ are:


(1) ’Declaration’ of;


(2) ‘Law’ or Principle.’


(3) ‘Fact.’


It is therefore used when ‘declaring’ ‘Law,’ ‘Principle’ or ‘Fact’ in relation to specific considerations - such as, a specific field of study e.g. mathematics, logic, chemistry, physics - a specific logical system or discipline.


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